Friday, February 13, 2009

Our Pro Bowl Experience

Going to the Pro Bowl was one of those things that I never expected to be able to do. It's in Hawaii, after all, and when was I going to get a chance to go to Hawaii (and have enough time to spend at a football game while there). Well, lo and behold, here we are in Hawaii. Jim and I hemmed and hawed about getting tickets (the good seats were pricy, but better than regular NFL games). we kept talking ourselves out of it. Finally Jim said "let's do it", so we ordered our tickets, and managed to get really great seats, considering we ordered tickets the Tuesday before the game (we were on the 30 yard line, just past half way up on the lower level).

We had such a great time. It was really neat to see all these great players all in one spot, even if the game didn't really "matter." I spent a good amount of time trying to get good pictures of Payton Manning (as you can see if you check out the Picasa album)! Weather was perfect and we had a great time. We arrived super early so that we could get parking, and just to take the whole experience in. As we were walking around before the game we managed to come across the Bears' mascott, who was nice enough to take a picture with Jim (who was thrilled).

From Pro Bowl 2009

And here is the Bear in action:
From Pro Bowl 2009

And a couple more pictures. If you want to check out the rest you can see the album here:
Pro Bowl 2009

From Pro Bowl 2009

From Pro Bowl 2009